Privacy Policy

At Manzil Healthcare Services L.L.C, we acknowledge the importance of your privacy and the security of your information. We are dedicated to safeguarding the privacy of the information you entrust to us and respecting your privacy.
Our privacy policy delineates the personal data we collect, how we use and share this data, and we encourage you to read it. If you have questions about how we protect your personal data, please contact us at References to I, we, or our denote COMPANY Healthcare Services (mPatient). BY USING OUR SERVICES, YOU AGREE TO THE COLLECTION, USE, AND TRANSMITTAL OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA FOR PROCESSING IN THE EU AS DESCRIBED IN THIS PRIVACY POLICY. DEPENDING ON YOUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER S LOCATION, YOUR DATA MAY BE STORED AND PROCESSED IN A DIFFERENT REGION. FOR HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS IN THE EU AND UK, THE DATA IS STORED IN THE EU

About mPatient

We are Manzil Healthcare Services, providing a mobile application-based service called mPatient and its associated digital platform (web and server).

Personal Data

Personal data, as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), includes information that can directly or indirectly identify an individual. This encompasses obvious details such as name and contact information, as well as special category data, including health information. The specific personal data collected by mPatient is outlined in Section 4 below.

Your Rights

If we act as a data processor, contact your HC to exercise these rights. As a data controller, you have rights concerning your information, including the right to be informed, access, rectification, objection, data deletion, data portability, and withdrawal of consent. Complaints can be directed to the Quality department at Manzil Health:

Data Collection

mPatient collects data for business purposes and service delivery. This includes personal and sensitive personal data related to contact information, health data, diagnosis, and treatment journey information.

How We Use Personal Data

mPatient uses collected data for business operations, service delivery, and user experience enhancement. Data is not used for marketing, and third-party sharing is avoided.

How we share your personal data

mPatient shares personal data with healthcare providers, IT service providers, regulatory bodies, and, in specific cases, during business transactions or reorganizations. Information may also be shared with companies assisting in product performance analysis and SMS-messaging services.

How we protect your personal data

mPatient is committed to securing personal data using recognized secure data storage technologies. All data is stored encrypted, both at rest and during transit, on Microsoft Azure in approved regions.

Retention of data

Data is retained as long as necessary for service delivery, legal obligations, conflict resolution, and agreement enforcement. Compliance with legal or regulatory obligations determines the retention period.


mPatient does not knowingly collect personal data from children under 16. If such data is inadvertently provided, please contact us for its removal.

How to contact us

For inquiries regarding your personal data, contact us at

Updates to Privacy Policy

We may update the Privacy Policy without notice. Registered users will be notified of changes via email, and confirmation may be required for continued service usage.

Our Details

The mPatient mobile application is provided by Manzil Healthcare Services L.L.C, registered in Dubai, UAE. Contact details include the postal address, website contact form, telephone number, and email address: